The Magi or Wise Men were in search of the newborn King of the Jews. Why? What were they seeking?
Answer: Allow for discussion and reflection. They saw his star and came to do him homage. It was a common ancient belief that a new star appeared at the time of a ruler’s birth.1 The Magi were seekers of truth, and therefore always seeking the greatest truths possible. This lead them to Jesus, the Messiah. Read the feature article by Dr. Jordan Haddad for more information on the Magi. What is King Herod’s reaction to the news of a newborn King of the Jews? Why might he have reacted in such a way?
Answer: As a Jewish man and ruler, Herod would have been familiar with the promise of a Messiah. However, we read that this news greatly troubled him and all of Jerusalem. Perhaps Herod and the Jewish people were frightened because of their difficult relationship with the Roman Empire. A new king rising to power could disrupt the status quo and make life painful for the Jewish people who had subjected themselves to Roman oppression. But if we read more on King Herod in the scriptures, it seems as though his reaction may have more to do with a future threat to his reign and power that this newborn king poses. Have you ever received a gift or directive from the Lord that would change the path of your life? How did you react in that moment? Was it difficult to trust the Lord in that season?
Answer: Allow for discussion and reflection. What does Herod do next? Answer: Read verses 7-8
Why does he send the Magi to find the child? Answer: He says his intention is to go and pay him homage, but as we discover in verses 13-18, we learn that King Herod intended to destroy the child Jesus in order to protect his position of power.
Have you ever been fearful in the face of what the Lord was doing in your life? Answer: Allow for reflection and discussion. Take a moment to relate the fear to the Lord. Seek to understand what He might have been doing in those moments. Where was he present amidst the fear?
If God knew that Herod’s intentions were less than honorable, why do you think He allowed the star to lead the Magi to the Jesus? Answer: Allow reflection and discussion. Of course, we cannot know what the Lord’s intentions were in this moment. However, it might have been the same reason he leads each of us to an encounter with Jesus. So that our hearts might experience transformation and that we might be in relationship with Him. Even knowing that in our free will we might still choose to reject Him, He makes the invitation for us to draw near.
Read verses 10-11
Why were the Magi overjoyed? Answer: They have seen the Lord! They have made it to their destination! They have found the one for whom they have searched!
Have you ever encountered this kind of joy when encountering the Lord? Answer:Take a moment to reflect on those moments of joy.
What did the Magi see as they entered the house? What did they do? Why is this significant? Answer: Read verse 11. They prostrated themselves and did Him homage. These men of great status fell to their knees and bowed before this newborn child giving to Him the honor of a king.
What are the gifts the Magi bring? What do these gifts tell us about who Jesus is? Answer: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts given by the Magi tell us of the identity of this newborn king and who He will become. The gold, a symbol of royalty, represents his kingship; frankincense, used in worship, points to his divinity; and myrrh represents his humanity, particularly in his passion and death.2
Are there gifts you have been given by the Lord that speak to who you are? Think about the people around you with particular gifts, what do their gifts tell you about who they are? Answer: Allow reflection and discussion. A few of the many gifts we receive from the Lord are the sacraments! Particularly the gift of Baptism. Our Baptism wipes away the stain of sin, and marks us forever as a child of God. It gives us a new identity in Christ Jesus. Other gifts can include the talents God gives us, helping us fulfill our true purpose and God’s plan for our lives. Read verse 12
Why do the Magi not return to Herod after encountering the Messiah? Why would they not do that? Answer: Allow reflection and discussion. The Magi are transformed by their encounter with the Child Jesus. Their desire is not to turn him over to Herod’s devious plan of destruction, so they return home by a new way. Some say that Venerable Fulton Sheen went so far as to say, “of course they go back a different route, you never come to Christ and go back the same way you came.”
In your own life, is there a moment you can think of when an experience in prayer or a moment of clarity has changed your life? Have you had a moment of conversion or turning back to relationship with the Lord? What was that like? Answer: Take a moment to remember those moments of transformation. Give thanks to the Lord for them. If you have not yet had this experience with the Lord, invite Him into your heart this Christmas. Give Him permission to come and transform you.