I have truly and thoroughly enjoyed the part of my life’s journey that has been lived here in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux for the past eight and one-half years. I am amazed at how much in my service here I have become what I shall call a ‘citizen of the bayou.’ While I was not born here and therefore cannot, like the native Catholics, reference my childhood up or down the bayou, or even on the bayou, I am nonetheless amazed at how much I have taken root in this unique area of our country. It has been a real joy to serve here. Amidst all that is changing in my life with my appointment to Louisville, at this time I am drawn again into the realization of the eternal fidelity of God, and those realities in life that are enduring. What I have used to guide my reflection and prayer during this time of transition is a remembrance that God will not be outdone in generosity, and that if we are faithful to him, the Lord will always be generous to us. The blessings God has promised to those who trustingly follow after him have manifested themselves to me during my time here with all of you.
I have been blessed with new experiences that I could not have had anywhere else, new friends and wonderful encounters with people that I would probably never have met had I not been appointed here.
I am grateful to have come to know the priests, deacons, religious and seminarians of the diocese, and I want to express that it was my privilege to work with you. Your untiring dedication to proclaiming the Gospel in good times and in bad, in pandemic and after a hurricane, has and will continue to bear fruit in the lives of many. I know that it has in mine. I am grateful to have come to know the diocesan staff and all the other people who serve the in the diocesan family of service, such as Catholic Charities, Catholic schools, and parish schools of religion, to name a few.
You all serve so well and give of yourselves so generously in service to the church and the people of God. Your dedication and ministry will long mark my memories of the church here. It was a grace to encounter the people in church parishes, and to celebrate with you, and to come to know what you had to teach me. You have all been a blessed part of my time here, and I thank you for those times when you supported me, patiently reminded me about something, laughed with me, cried with me, prayed with me and for me, encouraged me, took my phone calls, answered my questions, challenged me, and all the many other ways you were a blessing to me. I hope that I did the same for all of you.
Most importantly, however, thank you also for the times that you forgave me for any hurt I may have caused you. All of you are now, and will always continue to be, part of the blessings bestowed upon me by God. The Lord has fulfilled for me his promise to not be outdone in generosity, and I am grateful for the gifts he has poured upon me through all of you. I hope the Lord has blessed you through my ministry to you.
I leave bayou country and the State of Louisiana and turn my face and my hope to serving in the Archdiocese of Louisville, where I have already been warmly welcomed and greeted with great joy and excitement.
However, at this time and in this moment, let me express my thanks to each one of you here in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux for the ways that you have been a part of the joy and fulfillment of my life here. I have truly found grace, joy and peace ministering here with you and serving you as bishop.
So, let me officially now bid farewell to you, my friends, who live here along these gently meandering bayous, and who worship in and serve the church here. I hope that I will often cross your memories with a smile, and hope even more that I will often cross your prayers. I know that you will often cross my memories, and I promise to keep you in prayer as I relish this blessed part of my journey in my heart.
In wishing you well as I depart, please allow me to simply say that my prayer for you is the prayer found in the Book of Numbers, and I quote it to express my gratitude and hope for you in the Lord: The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace! To God be the glory! Amen.